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Detection Smoother

A utility class for smoothing detections over multiple frames in video tracking. It maintains a history of detections for each track and provides smoothed predictions based on these histories.


  • DetectionsSmoother requires the tracker_id for each detection. Refer to Roboflow Trackers for information on integrating tracking into your inference pipeline.
  • This class is not compatible with segmentation models.
import supervision as sv

from ultralytics import YOLO

video_info = sv.VideoInfo.from_video_path(video_path=<SOURCE_FILE_PATH>)
frame_generator = sv.get_video_frames_generator(source_path=<SOURCE_FILE_PATH>)

model = YOLO(<MODEL_PATH>)
tracker = sv.ByteTrack(frame_rate=video_info.fps)
smoother = sv.DetectionsSmoother()

annotator = sv.BoundingBoxAnnotator()

with sv.VideoSink(<TARGET_FILE_PATH>, video_info=video_info) as sink:
    for frame in frame_generator:
        result = model(frame)[0]
        detections = sv.Detections.from_ultralytics(result)
        detections = tracker.update_with_detections(detections)
        detections = smoother.update_with_detections(detections)

        annotated_frame = bounding_box_annotator.annotate(frame.copy(), detections)
Source code in supervision/detection/tools/
class DetectionsSmoother:
    A utility class for smoothing detections over multiple frames in video tracking.
    It maintains a history of detections for each track and provides smoothed
    predictions based on these histories.

    <video controls>

    !!! warning

        - `DetectionsSmoother` requires the `tracker_id` for each detection. Refer to
          [Roboflow Trackers](/latest/trackers/) for
          information on integrating tracking into your inference pipeline.
        - This class is not compatible with segmentation models.

        import supervision as sv

        from ultralytics import YOLO

        video_info = sv.VideoInfo.from_video_path(video_path=<SOURCE_FILE_PATH>)
        frame_generator = sv.get_video_frames_generator(source_path=<SOURCE_FILE_PATH>)

        model = YOLO(<MODEL_PATH>)
        tracker = sv.ByteTrack(frame_rate=video_info.fps)
        smoother = sv.DetectionsSmoother()

        annotator = sv.BoundingBoxAnnotator()

        with sv.VideoSink(<TARGET_FILE_PATH>, video_info=video_info) as sink:
            for frame in frame_generator:
                result = model(frame)[0]
                detections = sv.Detections.from_ultralytics(result)
                detections = tracker.update_with_detections(detections)
                detections = smoother.update_with_detections(detections)

                annotated_frame = bounding_box_annotator.annotate(frame.copy(), detections)
    """  # noqa: E501 // docs

    def __init__(self, length: int = 5) -> None:
            length (int): The maximum number of frames to consider for smoothing
                detections. Defaults to 5.
        self.tracks = defaultdict(lambda: deque(maxlen=length))

    def update_with_detections(self, detections: Detections) -> Detections:
        Updates the smoother with a new set of detections from a frame.

            detections (Detections): The detections to add to the smoother.

        if detections.tracker_id is None:
                "Smoothing skipped. DetectionsSmoother requires tracker_id. Refer to "
                " for more information."
            return detections

        for detection_idx in range(len(detections)):
            tracker_id = detections.tracker_id[detection_idx]
            if tracker_id is None:


        for track_id in self.tracks.keys():
            if track_id not in detections.tracker_id:

        for track_id in list(self.tracks.keys()):
            if all([d is None for d in self.tracks[track_id]]):
                del self.tracks[track_id]

        return self.get_smoothed_detections()

    def get_track(self, track_id: int) -> Optional[Detections]:
        track = self.tracks.get(track_id, None)
        if track is None:
            return None

        track = [d for d in track if d is not None]
        if len(track) == 0:
            return None

        ret = deepcopy(track[0])
        ret.xyxy = np.mean([d.xyxy for d in track], axis=0)
        ret.confidence = np.mean([d.confidence for d in track], axis=0)

        return ret

    def get_smoothed_detections(self) -> Detections:
        tracked_detections = []
        for track_id in self.tracks:
            track = self.get_track(track_id)
            if track is not None:

        detections = Detections.merge(tracked_detections)
        if len(detections) == 0:
            detections.tracker_id = np.array([], dtype=int)

        return detections




Name Type Description Default
length int

The maximum number of frames to consider for smoothing detections. Defaults to 5.

Source code in supervision/detection/tools/
def __init__(self, length: int = 5) -> None:
        length (int): The maximum number of frames to consider for smoothing
            detections. Defaults to 5.
    self.tracks = defaultdict(lambda: deque(maxlen=length))


Updates the smoother with a new set of detections from a frame.


Name Type Description Default
detections Detections

The detections to add to the smoother.

Source code in supervision/detection/tools/
def update_with_detections(self, detections: Detections) -> Detections:
    Updates the smoother with a new set of detections from a frame.

        detections (Detections): The detections to add to the smoother.

    if detections.tracker_id is None:
            "Smoothing skipped. DetectionsSmoother requires tracker_id. Refer to "
            " for more information."
        return detections

    for detection_idx in range(len(detections)):
        tracker_id = detections.tracker_id[detection_idx]
        if tracker_id is None:


    for track_id in self.tracks.keys():
        if track_id not in detections.tracker_id:

    for track_id in list(self.tracks.keys()):
        if all([d is None for d in self.tracks[track_id]]):
            del self.tracks[track_id]

    return self.get_smoothed_detections()
