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👋 Hello

We write your reusable computer vision tools. Whether you need to load your dataset from your hard drive, draw detections on an image or video, or count how many detections are in a zone. You can count on us!

💻 Install

You can install supervision with pip in a Python>=3.8 environment.

pip install (recommended)

The headless installation of supervision is designed for environments where graphical user interfaces (GUI) are not needed, making it more lightweight and suitable for server-side applications.

pip install supervision

If you require the full version of supervision with GUI support you can install the desktop version. This version includes the GUI components of OpenCV, allowing you to display images and videos on the screen.

pip install supervision[desktop]

git clone (for development)

# clone repository and navigate to root directory
git clone
cd supervision

# setup python environment and activate it
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip

# headless install
pip install -e "."

# desktop install
pip install -e ".[desktop]"
# clone repository and navigate to root directory
git clone
cd supervision

# setup python environment and activate it
poetry env use python3.10
poetry shell

# headless install
poetry install

# desktop install
poetry install --extras "desktop"