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0.8.0 May 17, 2023

  • Added [#100]: support for Dataset inheritance. Current Dataset got renamed to DetectionDataset and make it inherit from BaseDataset.
  • Added [#100]: ability to save datasets in YOLO format using DetectionDataset.as_yolo.
  • Added [#102]: support for splitting DetectionDataset.
  • Changed [#100]: default value of approximation_percentage parameter from 0.75 to 0.0 in DetectionDataset.as_yolo and DetectionDataset.as_pascal_voc.

0.7.0 May 11, 2023

  • Added [#91]: Detections.from_yolo_nas to enable seamless integration with YOLO-NAS model.
  • Added [#86]: ability to load datasets in YOLO format using Dataset.from_yolo.
  • Added [#84]: Detections.merge to merge multiple Detections objects together.
  • Fixed [#81]: LineZoneAnnotator.annotate does not return annotated frame.
  • Changed [#44]: LineZoneAnnotator.annotate to allow for custom text for the in and out tags.

0.6.0 April 19, 2023

  • Added [#71]: initial Dataset support and ability to save Detections in Pascal VOC XML format.
  • Added [#71]: new mask_to_polygons, filter_polygons_by_area, polygon_to_xyxy and approximate_polygon utilities.
  • Added [#72]: ability to load Pascal VOC XML object detections dataset as Dataset.
  • Changed [#70]: order of Detections attributes to make it consistent with order of objects in __iter__ tuple.
  • Changed [#71]: generate_2d_mask to polygon_to_mask.

0.5.2 April 13, 2023

  • Fixed [#63]: LineZone.trigger function expects 4 values instead of 5.

0.5.1 April 12, 2023

  • Fixed Detections.__getitem__ method did not return mask for selected item.
  • Fixed Detections.area crashed for mask detections.

0.5.0 April 10, 2023

  • Added [#58]: Detections.mask to enable segmentation support.
  • Added [#58]: MaskAnnotator to allow easy Detections.mask annotation.
  • Added [#58]: Detections.from_sam to enable native Segment Anything Model (SAM) support.
  • Changed [#58]: Detections.area behaviour to work not only with boxes but also with masks.

0.4.0 April 5, 2023

  • Added [#46]: Detections.empty to allow easy creation of empty Detections objects.
  • Added [#56]: Detections.from_roboflow to allow easy creation of Detections objects from Roboflow API inference results.
  • Added [#56]: plot_images_grid to allow easy plotting of multiple images on single plot.
  • Added [#56]: initial support for Pascal VOC XML format with detections_to_voc_xml method.
  • Changed [#56]: show_frame_in_notebook refactored and renamed to plot_image.

0.3.2 March 23, 2023

  • Changed [#50]: Allow Detections.class_id to be None.

0.3.1 March 6, 2023

  • Fixed [#41]: PolygonZone throws an exception when the object touches the bottom edge of the image.
  • Fixed [#42]: Detections.wth_nms method throws an exception when Detections is empty.
  • Changed [#36]: Detections.wth_nms support class agnostic and non-class agnostic case.

0.3.0 March 6, 2023

  • Changed: Allow Detections.confidence to be None.
  • Added: Detections.from_transformers and Detections.from_detectron2 to enable seamless integration with Transformers and Detectron2 models.
  • Added: Detections.area to dynamically calculate bounding box area.
  • Added: Detections.wth_nms to filter out double detections with NMS. Initial - only class agnostic - implementation.

0.2.0 February 2, 2023

  • Added: Advanced Detections filtering with pandas-like API.
  • Added: Detections.from_yolov5 and Detections.from_yolov8 to enable seamless integration with YOLOv5 and YOLOv8 models.

0.1.0 January 19, 2023

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