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InferenceSlicer performs slicing-based inference for small target detection. This method, often referred to as Slicing Adaptive Inference (SAHI), involves dividing a larger image into smaller slices, performing inference on each slice, and then merging the detections.


Name Type Description Default
slice_wh Tuple[int, int]

Dimensions of each slice measured in pixels. The tuple should be in the format (width, height).

(320, 320)
overlap_ratio_wh Optional[Tuple[float, float]]

[⚠️ Deprecated: please set to None and use overlap_wh] A tuple representing the desired overlap ratio for width and height between consecutive slices. Each value should be in the range [0, 1), where 0 means no overlap and a value close to 1 means high overlap.

(0.2, 0.2)
overlap_wh Optional[Tuple[int, int]]

A tuple representing the desired overlap for width and height between consecutive slices measured in pixels. Each value should be greater than or equal to 0. Takes precedence over overlap_ratio_wh.

overlap_filter Union[OverlapFilter, str]

Strategy for filtering or merging overlapping detections in slices.

iou_threshold float

Intersection over Union (IoU) threshold used when filtering by overlap.

callback Callable

A function that performs inference on a given image slice and returns detections.

thread_workers int

Number of threads for parallel execution.


The class ensures that slices do not exceed the boundaries of the original image. As a result, the final slices in the row and column dimensions might be smaller than the specified slice dimensions if the image's width or height is not a multiple of the slice's width or height minus the overlap.

Source code in supervision/detection/tools/
class InferenceSlicer:
    InferenceSlicer performs slicing-based inference for small target detection. This
    method, often referred to as
    [Slicing Adaptive Inference (SAHI)](,
    involves dividing a larger image into smaller slices, performing inference on each
    slice, and then merging the detections.

        slice_wh (Tuple[int, int]): Dimensions of each slice measured in pixels. The
            tuple should be in the format `(width, height)`.
        overlap_ratio_wh (Optional[Tuple[float, float]]): [⚠️ Deprecated: please set
                to `None` and use `overlap_wh`] A tuple representing the
            desired overlap ratio for width and height between consecutive slices.
            Each value should be in the range [0, 1), where 0 means no overlap and
            a value close to 1 means high overlap.
        overlap_wh (Optional[Tuple[int, int]]): A tuple representing the desired
            overlap for width and height between consecutive slices measured in pixels.
            Each value should be greater than or equal to 0. Takes precedence over
        overlap_filter (Union[OverlapFilter, str]): Strategy for
            filtering or merging overlapping detections in slices.
        iou_threshold (float): Intersection over Union (IoU) threshold
            used when filtering by overlap.
        callback (Callable): A function that performs inference on a given image
            slice and returns detections.
        thread_workers (int): Number of threads for parallel execution.

        The class ensures that slices do not exceed the boundaries of the original
        image. As a result, the final slices in the row and column dimensions might be
        smaller than the specified slice dimensions if the image's width or height is
        not a multiple of the slice's width or height minus the overlap.

    def __init__(
        callback: Callable[[np.ndarray], Detections],
        slice_wh: Tuple[int, int] = (320, 320),
        overlap_ratio_wh: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = (0.2, 0.2),
        overlap_wh: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
        overlap_filter: Union[OverlapFilter, str] = OverlapFilter.NON_MAX_SUPPRESSION,
        iou_threshold: float = 0.5,
        thread_workers: int = 1,
        if overlap_ratio_wh is not None:
                "`overlap_ratio_wh` in `InferenceSlicer.__init__` is deprecated and "
                "will be removed in `supervision-0.27.0`. Please manually set it to "
                "`None` and use `overlap_wh` instead."

        self._validate_overlap(overlap_ratio_wh, overlap_wh)
        self.overlap_ratio_wh = overlap_ratio_wh
        self.overlap_wh = overlap_wh

        self.slice_wh = slice_wh
        self.iou_threshold = iou_threshold
        self.overlap_filter = OverlapFilter.from_value(overlap_filter)
        self.callback = callback
        self.thread_workers = thread_workers

    def __call__(self, image: np.ndarray) -> Detections:
        Performs slicing-based inference on the provided image using the specified

            image (np.ndarray): The input image on which inference needs to be
                performed. The image should be in the format
                `(height, width, channels)`.

            Detections: A collection of detections for the entire image after merging
                results from all slices and applying NMS.

            import cv2
            import supervision as sv
            from ultralytics import YOLO

            image = cv2.imread(SOURCE_IMAGE_PATH)
            model = YOLO(...)

            def callback(image_slice: np.ndarray) -> sv.Detections:
                result = model(image_slice)[0]
                return sv.Detections.from_ultralytics(result)

            slicer = sv.InferenceSlicer(

            detections = slicer(image)
        detections_list = []
        resolution_wh = (image.shape[1], image.shape[0])
        offsets = self._generate_offset(

        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.thread_workers) as executor:
            futures = [
                executor.submit(self._run_callback, image, offset) for offset in offsets
            for future in as_completed(futures):

        merged = Detections.merge(detections_list=detections_list)
        if self.overlap_filter == OverlapFilter.NONE:
            return merged
        elif self.overlap_filter == OverlapFilter.NON_MAX_SUPPRESSION:
            return merged.with_nms(threshold=self.iou_threshold)
        elif self.overlap_filter == OverlapFilter.NON_MAX_MERGE:
            return merged.with_nmm(threshold=self.iou_threshold)
                f"Invalid overlap filter strategy: {self.overlap_filter}",
            return merged

    def _run_callback(self, image, offset) -> Detections:
        Run the provided callback on a slice of an image.

            image (np.ndarray): The input image on which inference needs to run
            offset (np.ndarray): An array of shape `(4,)` containing coordinates
                for the slice.

            Detections: A collection of detections for the slice.
        image_slice = crop_image(image=image, xyxy=offset)
        detections = self.callback(image_slice)
        resolution_wh = (image.shape[1], image.shape[0])
        detections = move_detections(
            detections=detections, offset=offset[:2], resolution_wh=resolution_wh

        return detections

    def _generate_offset(
        resolution_wh: Tuple[int, int],
        slice_wh: Tuple[int, int],
        overlap_ratio_wh: Optional[Tuple[float, float]],
        overlap_wh: Optional[Tuple[int, int]],
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        Generate offset coordinates for slicing an image based on the given resolution,
        slice dimensions, and overlap ratios.

            resolution_wh (Tuple[int, int]): A tuple representing the width and height
                of the image to be sliced.
            slice_wh (Tuple[int, int]): Dimensions of each slice measured in pixels. The
            tuple should be in the format `(width, height)`.
            overlap_ratio_wh (Optional[Tuple[float, float]]): A tuple representing the
                desired overlap ratio for width and height between consecutive slices.
                Each value should be in the range [0, 1), where 0 means no overlap and
                a value close to 1 means high overlap.
            overlap_wh (Optional[Tuple[int, int]]): A tuple representing the desired
                overlap for width and height between consecutive slices measured in
                pixels. Each value should be greater than or equal to 0.

            np.ndarray: An array of shape `(n, 4)` containing coordinates for each
                slice in the format `[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]`.

            The function ensures that slices do not exceed the boundaries of the
                original image. As a result, the final slices in the row and column
                dimensions might be smaller than the specified slice dimensions if the
                image's width or height is not a multiple of the slice's width or
                height minus the overlap.
        slice_width, slice_height = slice_wh
        image_width, image_height = resolution_wh
        overlap_width = (
            if overlap_wh is not None
            else int(overlap_ratio_wh[0] * slice_width)
        overlap_height = (
            if overlap_wh is not None
            else int(overlap_ratio_wh[1] * slice_height)

        width_stride = slice_width - overlap_width
        height_stride = slice_height - overlap_height

        ws = np.arange(0, image_width, width_stride)
        hs = np.arange(0, image_height, height_stride)

        xmin, ymin = np.meshgrid(ws, hs)
        xmax = np.clip(xmin + slice_width, 0, image_width)
        ymax = np.clip(ymin + slice_height, 0, image_height)

        offsets = np.stack([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], axis=-1).reshape(-1, 4)

        return offsets

    def _validate_overlap(
        overlap_ratio_wh: Optional[Tuple[float, float]],
        overlap_wh: Optional[Tuple[int, int]],
    ) -> None:
        if overlap_ratio_wh is not None and overlap_wh is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Both `overlap_ratio_wh` and `overlap_wh` cannot be provided. "
                "Please provide only one of them."
        if overlap_ratio_wh is None and overlap_wh is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Either `overlap_ratio_wh` or `overlap_wh` must be provided. "
                "Please provide one of them."

        if overlap_ratio_wh is not None:
            if not (0 <= overlap_ratio_wh[0] < 1 and 0 <= overlap_ratio_wh[1] < 1):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Overlap ratios must be in the range [0, 1). "
                    f"Received: {overlap_ratio_wh}"
        if overlap_wh is not None:
            if not (overlap_wh[0] >= 0 and overlap_wh[1] >= 0):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Overlap values must be greater than or equal to 0. "
                    f"Received: {overlap_wh}"



Performs slicing-based inference on the provided image using the specified callback.


Name Type Description Default
image ndarray

The input image on which inference needs to be performed. The image should be in the format (height, width, channels).



Name Type Description
Detections Detections

A collection of detections for the entire image after merging results from all slices and applying NMS.

import cv2
import supervision as sv
from ultralytics import YOLO

image = cv2.imread(SOURCE_IMAGE_PATH)
model = YOLO(...)

def callback(image_slice: np.ndarray) -> sv.Detections:
    result = model(image_slice)[0]
    return sv.Detections.from_ultralytics(result)

slicer = sv.InferenceSlicer(

detections = slicer(image)
Source code in supervision/detection/tools/
def __call__(self, image: np.ndarray) -> Detections:
    Performs slicing-based inference on the provided image using the specified

        image (np.ndarray): The input image on which inference needs to be
            performed. The image should be in the format
            `(height, width, channels)`.

        Detections: A collection of detections for the entire image after merging
            results from all slices and applying NMS.

        import cv2
        import supervision as sv
        from ultralytics import YOLO

        image = cv2.imread(SOURCE_IMAGE_PATH)
        model = YOLO(...)

        def callback(image_slice: np.ndarray) -> sv.Detections:
            result = model(image_slice)[0]
            return sv.Detections.from_ultralytics(result)

        slicer = sv.InferenceSlicer(

        detections = slicer(image)
    detections_list = []
    resolution_wh = (image.shape[1], image.shape[0])
    offsets = self._generate_offset(

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.thread_workers) as executor:
        futures = [
            executor.submit(self._run_callback, image, offset) for offset in offsets
        for future in as_completed(futures):

    merged = Detections.merge(detections_list=detections_list)
    if self.overlap_filter == OverlapFilter.NONE:
        return merged
    elif self.overlap_filter == OverlapFilter.NON_MAX_SUPPRESSION:
        return merged.with_nms(threshold=self.iou_threshold)
    elif self.overlap_filter == OverlapFilter.NON_MAX_MERGE:
        return merged.with_nmm(threshold=self.iou_threshold)
            f"Invalid overlap filter strategy: {self.overlap_filter}",
        return merged
